I was just browsing through some news on Eduardo’s injury caused by a vicious tackle of Birmingham’s Martin Taylor and have to write down some thoughts regarding some posts I read at various comment-enabled news sites. Many people expressed that the tackle was unintentional and, thus, Taylor is not responsible for what he did. I heavily disagree on this. Anyone who goes into tackles with such energy and strength consciously challenges the possibility of causing critical injuries. These things must not happen. Period. As a professional, you are paid those millions to play a fair game. Everybody who fucks up on this should have the guts to give up his job and search for something where he does less harm. I saw the video on youtube: Taylor saw Eduardo coming, the ball was already gone, and he still keeps his leg outstretched. This is another example of the clumsy British kick-and-break-legs-style of playing. No technique. Survival of the fittest. Players like Taylor should not be banned forever but for a long time. Missing only three matches (due to the red card) is ridiculous. A ban for the rest of the season would be more appropriate. Anyway, I wish Eduardo all the best and a quick recovery. And for Taylor: tko te jebe. By the way, did I mention that England is not playing at forthcoming Euro 2008? Oh right, kick&rush, yes, I remember, best technique ever…

Gestatten Sie eine Frage, Herr Taylor: Welches tieffliegende Objekt wollten Sie eigentlich mit ihrem Fuß abschießen? Ein terroristischen Tiefflieger? Einen russischen Spionagesatelliten? Oder wollten Sie gar einen unsichtbaren Kometen wieder in den Weltraum hinausbefördern? Den Fußball konnten sie ja wohl nicht im Auge gehabt haben, denn der befand sich auf Bodenhöhe als sie losgrätschten.
Und noch einen bösen „Witz“ hinterher: Woran erkennt man Englische Hooligans? Sie kommen mit dem Mannschaftsbus zum Spiel…